1. Your VIP level will be adjusted according to the assets in your
account in the last 14 days.
2. 14 days average assets (USDT) = sum of assets held per day for
the last 14 days / 14 days
3. Daily Assets Holding (USDT) = Spot Wallet + Margin Wallet +
Futures Wallet + Earn Wallet + Buy & Sell Wallet
4. The assets in the above wallets will be counted towards VIP's
total daily assets
5. A snapshot of the daily holdings is taken using the real-time
USDT exchange rate
6. Users must fill out a form to apply for VIP
7. For accounts currently enrolled in the VIP program, the VIP
level will be updated daily at 8:00 UTC based on the average of the last 14 days' assets.
8. Institutional and API users are not eligible to participate in
the Retail VIP program
9. VIP futures discounts fees are only available to retail users.
If the user is an affiliate or a user under an affiliate, the discount policy will be
determined based on the specific cooperation terms.